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Erin Caldwell

El Lanillal

Updated: Sep 26

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

“We were shown the hospitality of Jesus today.”

Our clinic was held at a woman’s home, whose outdoor space was like a botanical garden. She was incredibly gracious, kind, and went above and beyond to serve her community and our team. It’s remarkable to see how communities come together on these days- bringing in extra chairs from their homes for our team to use in the clinics, helping unload or clean up our supplies, serving coffee to our translators, or allowing us to take over their home for the day to provide medical care. Each day, we see more and more the culture of togetherness and complete dependence on one another. There’s no such thing as going it alone here, and it’s beautiful. 

A fun tradition for some FOBF teams is to give out the wooden crosses you may have noticed many of us wearing as necklaces in photos. Often, this is in a moment of unique connection or a time when a team member has been particularly moved by the Lord in a situation. Today, Gary gave his cross to a young woman facing a particularly difficult moment in the dental clinic. Afterwards, despite not seeing the moment when she received it, it was so clear that she wore that cross with pride and felt special to have received it. We’ll continue to share moments like these, when other team members give their crosses away this week. 

Another highlight from today was our lunch break location - we had the most beautiful view of the mountains, a lovely breeze and a swing. There’s a picture attached, but like many other beautiful things, it really doesn’t do it justice. To end on a more comical note, we had 2 falls today. One out of a hammock and one into the mud, but we’ll keep their identities anonymous to protect their pride. 

We closed our evening with a time of worship as a team. As we continue to grow closer as a team and each day seems to run a little smoother than the last, we see the Lord continuing to meet us each day. Lamentations reminds us that His mercies are new every morning, and we are thankful to experience that firsthand this week.  

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