Monday, January 24, 2022
Day one of Trinity team clinics started with a simple and delicious breakfast to give us energy and strength for the day ahead. Mike shared a morning devotion from John 14, where the Word reminds us that God not only loves and provides for us, but He abides in us. And if we believe and follow, we can abide in Him.
This was the team’s first day in scrubs, and we learned that not everyone is suited to live in scrubs, as the sizing was surprising. Then it was time to load up the bus - the way cool NEW bus - with lots of supplies and our 12-person team of medical professionals, FOBF staff, translators and volunteers. Some of us were chatty, some quiet and reflective, and some still not quite sure what these days in the communities we’ve come to serve will look like.
Today’s clinic was in the La Masica community, about an hour’s bus ride from our home base at Alfredo’s House. It was a very bumpy ride up a very steep mountain, but no one seemed to mind. High up in the mountains of rural Honduras, the natural beauty of the untouched physical surroundings often takes your breath. The quiet peacefulness allows you to put aside the innate busyness of the world you left behind, at least for a while. It’s a welcome respite.
La Masica has participated in the Friends of Barnabas Community Health Development program for three years. An estimated 687 people from 132 families live here. 90% of the homes have outdoor latrines, all of them cook on indoor woodstoves, and potable water is available from a spring 2.5 miles away that is piped in through a small PVC pipe.
Despite the lack of indoor plumbing and the primitive water source, the members of this community are relatively healthy, which is a great testament to the success of the FOBF’s efforts and partnerships.
Community members who visited us today ranged in age from newborns to grandparents. They were eager to come for basic well-checks or treatment for gastrointestinal issues, colds, minor injuries, and even an old snake bite. Depending on the situation, people were sent to “well” or “sick” clinics. People with vision or dental issues were also taken care of.
All of the women and children received vitamins and antiparasitic medication. Children up to the age of 12 had their height and weight recorded - a simple but vital thing to track their growth and development over time.
It was a full day of work, but we had challenged ourselves to take a bit of time throughout the day to see the bigger picture. One thing we always realize is how relatively easy it is for most of us to visit a doctor’s office, urgent care, health clinic or even an emergency room when the need arises. These families walk a long way and wait in line for a long time to receive the most basic of care only twice a year at most.
At the end of the day, we headed back down the mountain and were happy to return to Alfredo’s house. Dinner was an amazing meal of farm-raised tilapia, fresh vegetables and a wonderful dessert. After dinner, the team shared learnings and observations from every clinic station - always thinking ahead to making our process even more efficient for future days.
To close out the day, Joseph led us in scripture from 1 Corinthians 12 reminding us of the unique gifts that we all bring to the team. God in his ultimate wisdom and grace brings us all together in the Spirit to make something good. It was a fitting end to a rewarding day where we worked together to care for those who needed us, provide a listening ear and a smile, and continued building relationships with each other.
Until tomorrow. . . .
~Frances Rogers & Eileen Keipper