Sunday, February 16, 2025
We have added many new members to our “Hampton Roads Team” so we decided to rename it. As a group we decided on Team Esperanza which means Hope!
Sunday is our down day. After eating our traditional Honduran breakfast, we set off on an adventure. This year's adventure was zip-lining. Some of the team harnessed up and road the zip-line over an amazing waterfall, while other members of Team Hope kept their feet on the ground.
Upon returning to the FOBF House we packaged 180 wellness bags which included ointments, toothpaste, soap, and other common medications. These bags will go to each family we see during the week of the mission.
To end our beautiful day, our team member, Peggy, held a devotion about helping hands. She and Pastor Shayne anointed our hands with oil and said a prayer/blessing. Please keep our team in your thoughts and prayers as we go about our week trying to bring “Hope” to others.