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The Muchas Manos Team is in Honduras!

Erin Caldwell

Sunday, March 10th, 2024

Yesterday, we safely endured the Miami airport, customs, and the long bus ride. Today, we enjoyed a rainy walk in a beautiful garden, and no one broke any bones in the process. We enjoyed a wonderful meal in a beautiful setting. We ended our day with prayer and a blessing of hands.

Traveling to a foreign country with a family you haven’t met yet.

Sharing a meal with total strangers.

Getting on an airplane that may or may not have reliable flight sensors.

Taking on a role you have never alone.

Everything is already ok.

When faced with the unknown or unfamiliar, most of us will try to plan ahead or research our way into being comfortable with the unfamiliar, or perhaps, unfathomable event. Some would call this “stepping out into faith.” I call it trusting in our Lord’s plan for us. Being assured that we will come through the furnace unscathed. The lion will not make us his dinner. Like Esther we will succeed in our mission.

In Haiti there is a worship song that expresses that trust. A simple song sung by children, mothers, and elders when the circumstances are dire and only His “blessed assurance” can calm our souls. The words of the song translate to this: Everything is already ok. Because Jesus sits on his throne. Everything is already ok. Satan lost the battle. Jesus gives us victory. Hypocrites are suppressed because everything is already ok.

Our travel woes, our unfamiliar roles, our small worries are nothing to our God. We are His anointed people. Our hands are blessed, and our hearts are prepared.

Tomorrow, we begin to serve the people sent to us by Our Redeemer. I have no doubt we will be the ones redeemed.



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