Sunday, May 21st, 2023
The Muchas Manos team arrived safely on Saturday with the typical warm welcome from the Friends of Barnabas staff. After getting settled and having a tour of the compound, we had our first meal together and got some much-needed rest.
Today has been a busy one. We spent time team building with a trip to Pulapanzak waterfalls, with several team members taking in the full adventure by zip-lining. Our afternoon was spent sorting, counting and packaging medications as well as learning about the roles we will each fill this week. Our medical professionals spent time learning about the electronic medical records program by role playing.
We had a lovely dinner out by Lake Yojoa.
As a final preparation for our mission week, we had a service of anointing of hands, received our crosses, and had a time of prayer. "This is a calling. It is intense. It is very spiritual. I understand now why I am here." We will rest. We will set our worries aside. We allow God to lead and protect us this week.
You thoughts and prayers are appreciated.
Susan Streigler - Team Leader
Patti Wagner - Team Leader
Catherine Roberts
Perrine Jackson
Karen Fish
Sarah Ott
Daniel Myers
Courtne Batten
Dan Weaver
Emberli Little
Norma Tansey