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Plan Grande

Erin Caldwell

Thursday, January 25th, 2024

Today was Honduran Woman’s Day. We celebrated with cake and ice cream upon our return to Casa Alfredo. The men served the women, and women on our Honduran staff were given a beautiful tulip. 


Kristen, the team’s Taylor Swift fan, led the devotion this evening. At the completion of her devotion, we all made friendship bracelets with one word that reminds us of our trip. She charged us with giving the bracelets to someone at home and tell them about Honduras. 


Chris gave his cross to a little boy whose father was drunk and tried to enter the clinic. The father was politely turned away by the police after being disruptive in the clinic. Chris made friends with the little boy who impressed everyone with his expression of gratitude in English when he said, “thank you”. 


Emily gave her cross away to a young girl who bravely had three teeth pulled over the course of 45 minutes. Last year the same little girl was at the clinic and was too scared to let the dentist look at her teeth. This year she was brave enough to get in the chair and get her “dientes” all fixed up. 


Paul was moved by a father standing outside with his infant daughter while her mother was inside seeing the dentist. Paul gifted him with his cross in appreciation his strength as a new father in the harsh conditions he saw in the village. 


Matthew, Pastor Brian, Hannah, and FOB’s Honduran Nurse, Minerva, took some time to do a home visit today after lunch. Those team members went to see an elderly woman with several health issues that had been taking a toll on her and her family over the past month. The team enjoyed working alongside Minerva while she cared for the members of her Honduran community. Brian left behind his cross with the woman they visited after sharing prayers with her and her family. 


There was one child in Plan Grande who Kristen evaluated that had a history of seizures, but after investigation was found to be out of his medication due to financial strain on their family. Kristen was able to get this family referred to Doctora Moncada so that they could receive follow up care. 


The team’s Honduran physical therapy intern, Areli, shared at dinner that she saw a patient today with foot nerve damage complicated by diabetes. Areli felt she was able to positively impact this patient’s life by referring her to the Honduran doctor, Doctora Moncada. 


Overall, team Trinity’s fourth day of clinic was a success! The team saw 50 families and 150 patients. After a long, warm day in Plan Grande, the team is looking forward to their last day of service. It is bittersweet as the team prepares for their last day with the Honduran communities. As everyone retires this evening it is with full bellies and full hearts!


~Virginia Rhines and Hannah Hayes


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