Monday, March 17, 2025
Today found us in Ojo de Agüita in the Santa Barbara region, a small community which proved very fortuitous as a good introduction to our week. We did not see quite as many children or adults as we usually see, mainly because it is coffee harvesting season, and they were busy working in the fields. The weather was very kind, not too sunny and not too hot. Can we hope for continued mountain breezes? Probably not.
Many of the young children appear to be malnourished, so we are grateful their families will receive nutrition counseling throughout the year as part of FOB's Healthy Communities program.
Today we distributed touch and feel books to the preschool aged children. Seeing the joyful and prideful expressions on their faces makes us happy that FOB will be able to continue this as a further enrichment to the children’s lives this year.
This week we have the benefit of having 3 dentists, Dra Ondina and Dra Jeimy our Honduran dentists and Dr Dennis from North Carolina. Dental clinic was hopping today! Thanks to the team who helped distract the children (and adults) through their dental procedures. We wouldn’t call it a dog and pony show but it was pretty entertaining and there were lots of dogs and two ponies too.
The team is pulling together nicely, and we will work well through the week with joy. We’ve had lots of laughs today, thankfully indoors tonight as the rain serenades us as we end our evening together. Looking forward to seeing new families tomorrow and telling you all about it.
~Dr Sharon Sullivan and Debbie Stegman