Thursday, April 25, 2024
Day 4 of clinics was a long day. The team was up early, had breakfast at 6:15, and was on the road by 7 am, for a bumpy one hour and forty-five-minute bus ride to the village.
Registration was smooth, but time consuming, as this was the first time a Friends of Barnabas Team had visited the village. A line formed up the hill to get to the clinics, a crowd waited at the registration table, and groups filled each clinic. We were told to eat lunch very quickly and immediately head back to our stations, so that we could see as many people as possible and get back to Alfredo House before dark.
Everyone agreed the day was a success. Friends of Barnabas offered services yesterday that village residents did not previously know were offered or even existed. One example of this is the therapy component of the clinics. One particular patient was referred to the therapist who worked with her and offered some exercises to her that she could use after we left the clinic. The patient said she had no idea that these exercises could help her with her body aches and pains and was very appreciative.
It was evident that in addition to offering services on the clinic days, we are also educating the village about the benefits of those services, as well as what they might expect to receive in the future. The village was very appreciative.
At the end of the day, a community leader thanked the team in an emotional speech, after which a tearful Courtney slipped her cross around his neck and embraced him before boarding our bus for departure.
Lidia joined us for dinner, and we discussed ongoing plans for the village. She explained the ongoing program and what servicing the needs of the community for the next three years and beyond will look like.
Vanessa led the nightly devotions, which was a continuation of the discussion we had earlier in the week about our “why” when asked why we serve and encouraged us to look for “Holy Moments” during our week. We all have different reasons for wanting to serve, from craving authentic travel experiences to learning and having medical experience to add to our resumes to feeling the need to give back to others. All are valid and varying “whys,” but a common thread that keeps us coming back and signing up again and again are those Holy Moments that we experience while serving.
The Sus Manos Team