Monday, February 17, 2025
The devotion for the day was given by Jody and it was entitled “Be salty stay lit” from the book of Matthew 5:13-14.
Team Esperanza “Hope” shared their experiences of the day from the community. Some of the returning volunteers were pleased to see patients from the previous year.
The first step of care with the families is taking blood pressure on adults and also giving vitamins and deworming medicines to the family. They are then moved to the next station which is weighing and measuring children.
The Dental clinic served many families with different dental needs. The fluoride team served 55 children and when that was completed, they continued “care” with painting fingernails of the girls. The dentists extracted and filled teeth of adults and children. The goal is to fill and prevent further dental procedures if possible.
The clinic was very busy with about 55 families many with symptoms of cough, body aches, and a few with hypertension. Medications were given to patients when appropriate and referrals were made when necessary. FOBF will follow up when necessary. The clinic also educated families about self care. They were given a booklet at registration for how to care for each member of the family.
Throughout the day over 80 crosses were handed out to the children of the community. They were made into necklaces and bracelets. We also handed out bows and stickers from different stations.
God's love was also shared!
Knowledge is the KEY!
- Jeanne Shankle