Thursday, March 20, 2025
Our team awoke this morning thankful that there were no power issues at Alfredo’s house and no illnesses holding back any of our team members. After another excellent breakfast and plenty of coffee provided to us, we loaded the bus that was still covered with mud from the previous day’s trek. We were able to depart on time and continued to be amazed at Giovany and Fernando’s convoy skills. Despite numerous potholes, we were able to reach our intended destination even though it was not originally one of the villages on our itinerary this week. Our itinerary has been changed a couple times due to rain making some mountain roads impassable.
The residents of the Las Margaritas community were very welcoming when we arrived and were very helpful, as is usual, in unloading our supplies. The clinic was set up at the local school, Jardin de Ninos Sol Resplandeciente. We were able to set up our chiropractor station in addition to our other stations as we had three large classrooms available to us. It was a very busy day for our staff.
The staff were happy to assist multiple blended families who attended the clinic, including several fathers who brought their children, compared to previous clinics where the fathers were out working in the fields. Our medical staff was greatly warmed by the sight of the little girl with two red bows in her hair who was determined to run around while simultaneously chewing on the toothbrush she had been given.
The dental clinic was very busy today and the dental staff were able to perform some difficult tooth extractions. Our staff was very impressed with the fortitude of some of our young patients. Our staff appropriately provided support to those patients through their difficult procedures. This group is very cohesive and works very well together.
At the end of the day the young students at the school were very helpful with assisting our staff in packing. It was quite a site watching two of the young children assist with the moving of totes which they did quite effectively by having one on either side. Other children had a lot of fun playing tic-tac-toe and blowing bubbles with the staff while the last dental clinic was finishing up.
Several staff members took the opportunity to walk over to the bodega of the village to buy a soda as a special treat. Upon leaving the village we arrived home only to discover the electricity was out again. However, the kitchen staff were once again not deterred, and we enjoyed another delicious dinner. As we sat outside for devotion and debriefing, we were enthused as the lights came back on just as team members had gotten up to lend flashlights to the kitchen staff for clean-up. This incident has reminded us of the beauty of cooperation and to be thankful for small blessings.
During our devotion time, it was a special blessing to hear the stories for some team members who gave their crosses to community members. One was given by Dr Joe to an older married couple who seemed to still be very much in love and supportive to each other. Another was given by Nancy to a father who showed very special devotion to caring for his child.
It is a humbling and life changing experience to be able to serve in this way and provides a blessing beyond measure. We anticipate restful sleep tonight and tomorrow we will rise with anticipation and prepare with gratitude and perhaps a tinge of sadness as well for our visit to our last village of the week.