Tuesday, September 5, 2023
“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Praise God for those who see the need to offer a word of inspiration to others. This morning Shirley’s devotional was about the need to be encouraging to one another, especially those in the household of faith.
Today we served the community of Las Delicias, Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes. Several team members gave their cross away. Yolanda had a 21-year-old woman with cerebral palsy and a cleft lip and palate. Her lip was repaired but she missed her appointment for her palate repair. She was referred for follow up care. Yolanda was moved by the patient’s joy, kindness and strength. She gave her cross away and prayed with her.
Jenna Lynn gave her cross to the first patient of the day. The patient was caring for her father who was injured while in the field working. She was able to spend time with the patient allowing her to verbalize some deep concerns. The patient was grateful for the opportunity to share her worries.
Shirley gave her cross to a 14-year-old boy who has been unable to sleep through the night for at least four years. She referred the patient for follow up.
Jacob, Dawn, Alvin, Jenna Lynn, Glenda and Joseph all completed a patient home visit. All members were amazed at how well a home bound patient was cared for by her siblings. The patient had been bed bound for three years and had no bed sores. The home was modest and small but clean and well cared. Alvin was humbled by the home visit, and how well the brother takes care of his sister. Alvin gave his cross to the brother and said a prayer with the family.
The day ended with a devotional. “Gratitude must be diligently practiced. Meaning you must put effort into truly feeling My blessings upon you.” Nareesa ended by giving out materials for the team members to make bracelets for something for which they are grateful.
The Dinwiddie Team