Friday, March 21, 2025
Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God"
Friday morning the team awoke to a beautiful sunrise and cooler weather as we headed out to the last village of the week. As the team arrived at the village, we were greeted with incredible mountain views in every direction, surrounded by banana trees and coffee plants. From the moment we stepped off the bus, we could tell this village was special, from the fancy clothes and freshly combed hair to the smiling faces and helpful outstretched hands.
The Muchos Manos team saw 35 families in the clinic today. Although the community was smaller, there was no shortage of connections and special stories shared by the team members. Julia H. shared that she gave away her cross to a 69-year-old woman who had been married to her 89-year-old husband for 53 years. The woman's husband was homebound and had difficulty moving, thus he was unable to come to the clinic to be seen. Sharon and Stacey were so touched by the woman from the community who volunteered to pray for everybody prior to the clinic today, as she delivered a heartfelt and spirit filled message, that they each gave her their cross. Sarah was also touched by a mother and her 5 children who were all interactive including the children listening to their siblings' heartbeats. The connection with the whole family led to Sarah giving the mother her cross. Many of the team members recalled how dressed up, well groomed, and respectful the families and children were in La Germania I.
After returning from the clinic, the team stopped at a restaurant called Colina, overlooking El Lago de Yojoa and enjoyed ice cream while reflecting on our week together. We returned to Casa de Alfredo quickly before heading out to Pena Blanca for souvenir shopping. The team enjoyed dinner at D&D Brewery and Restaurant to cap off our week.
As we brought our week here in Honduras to a close, the team reflected on the great work being done here in Honduras including the tireless efforts made by the staff to ensure each mountain medical team is well cared for and provided for. The team recounted some of the many blessings we all received during the week. The smiles of the villagers as they received care, the new friendships formed, old friendships renewed, and the feelings of hope and healing throughout the communities reminds us of the profound influence of compassion and kindness. While the journey was filled with challenges, it also showcased the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love and service.
1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
~Daniel and Susan