Thursday, March 14, 2024
Our trip this morning to the community of El Zapote was the most stunning we have had this week. We were literally in the clouds. Our travels took us past blooming flowers and trees, banana trees with hanging fruit and coffee everywhere. We served only a portion of El Zapote, which has a total of 99 families. Many of the homes in this area were destroyed and roads washed out during Hurricanes Eta and Iota in 2020. This greatly hindered access to almost everything. They are still recovering.
Our theme of today included the joy that children bring and the love that flows through to each of us. The children were the ones who greeted each of us warmly with hugs and smiles. One little girl in particular hugged many of us. She has struggled in her short 11 years with malnutrition and a syndrome unknown to us. At age 7, she had most of her teeth removed due to disease. She now has a full set of teeth and loves to smile and show them off. This sweet little girl was given two stars today as a reminder that when she looks at the stars, she will be assured that she is loved.
The flow of love and hugs continued with a 97-year-old man who hugged Susan after she treated his back aches with a chiropractic adjustment. He was extremely grateful for all she did.
Daniel entertained a 3-year-old whose mother was receiving a nebulizer treatment. The little girl was taken by the cow shaped nebulizer. She spent time teaching Daniel all the parts of the cow (nose, ears, mouth). Daniel asked if they should name the cow. "Delores". And thus, it will be known from now on.
Several of our patients today were referred on to further care with a specialist in the city. One in particular was a child referred for suspected Celiac disease. One was a mother who had a goiter. We are so thankful that we can be of some help with these cases.
The team's emotions ran the gamut. Among them were humility, gratitude, inadequacy and satisfaction with a day's work. Our devotions tonight reminded us to "let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"-Matthew 19:14. Opening our arms to this community and its children, opened each of us up to the love of God and of each other. For this we are truly blessed.
Dr. Marvin and Patti