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Taking Beauty Home

Erin Caldwell

Friday April 13, 2018

"When you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go. " A. Stoddard

Today's community, Los Hules, offered little beauty from the outside, but the beauty was there if you knew where to look and listen. Birdsong and poultry symphony, wails of thriving, healthy babies, and the outpouring of love from the children who learned to say, "I love you!" and "I will miss you!" in English reminded us what true beauty is and where it can and cannot be found.

It isn't found in the color of a building or uncracked plaster walls, lush vegetation or canopy of trees, or breathtaking views or the finest clothes.

This community taught us that beauty is found in the hearts of people and the wonder of creation. It begins with how you welcome a stranger into your life and how you treat them while they are there. True beauty encompasses the acceptance of others as they are no matter how much they differ from you.

The community we came to serve, served us with their quick help to unload the bus, their energetic hustle to move chairs and desks, and sharing their kind spirits with every encounter.

One encounter that exemplified the beautiful spirit of the community was an 85-year-old man who came to the medical clinic in order to be referred to the eye clinic because he couldn't read his Bible.

We finished work today with time to spare. Lingering in the schoolyard with the local children was a great way to finish our week. All of the hard things- the heat, the long days, the challenging diagnoses- all melted away with the warmth of their hugs, smiles, and attention.

Emily shared during her devotion tonight about how wonderful it is that God blesses us so we can bless others. She stressed the importance of living a life of service. She chose to give her cross to her translator, Franklin, because of his kindness and the great job he did communicating for her.

The lovely culture, food, and landscape has brought us wonderful delight this week. But the beautiful people of Honduras form the memories and the beauty that we will be taking home with us. We will carry them around in our hearts wherever we go.

With our mission complete, we will return home on Saturday. Your prayers are an important part of our travel day and we would appreciate them so much. May God richly bless you for investing in the FOBF ministry as together we try to make the world a better place, one child at a time.

-Susan Crews

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