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Feeling with the Heart

Erin Caldwell

Tuesday April 10, 2018

According to Helen Keller, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." She could've continued with, "If you want to understand what I mean, then go to Honduras."

Today began with one of those beautiful heartfelt things: sharing breakfast with the Honduran staff. When you break bread with brothers and sisters in Christ (many of whom speak no English), you quickly realize the complexity of the FOBF ministry. Rubbing elbows and passing pancakes with the ones who remain after each team leaves exposes the compassion and love they have for their country and those they serve.

With full hearts and bellies, we traveled roads which led us through harvested cornfields and past cattle ranches. The community of La Veneda gave us new stories to share, people to love, and needs to meet.

Continuing the tradition of giving away a cross necklace to someone special, John gave his to William, a young man with mental disabilities. William is well-known in FOBF circles and John has met him before, but he said today he was drawn to him because of the happiness he expressed while playing with bubbles. Other team members took note of him as well and appreciated his sweet spirit.

Susan gave her cross to Daniela. She is a seven year old with severe eye problems that have left her with very poor vision. Because of her condition, she has been referred for help. Susan told Daniela how much Jesus loved her and she didn't need to have good vision to know this truth. She also told her knowing His love is something she can always feel with her heart.

During our evening devotion, Theresa reminded us of John Wesley's words, "All Christians need to do works of mercy." She shared several supporting Scriptures including Galations 6:9 which says, "Let us not grow weary of doing good." Our trip this week is the work of God who leads people to do things they never thought they could.

While we work to make a difference in the lives of others, we don't want to forget about the support we have at home. Because of you, we have been given a life-changing week. We are bringing Helen Keller's words to life by feeling things with our hearts-- the people's warmth, vibrant cultural experiences, and the blessing of serving alongside others who speak a different language and travel different paths.

For all you have done for us and for all God will do through us, we give thanks with a grateful and feeling heart.

-Susan Crews

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