Journal 5
We woke up to another beautiful day in Honduras. After a delicious breakfast, cooked by Albita and Virginia, our work day began. The screen porch was completed and is ready to be used by the ladies who cook our meals as well as Berta who cooks at the Barnabas House. All of the electrical wiring has been done in the Barnabas House, and plumbing is also in working order. We Have Water! The paint crew was busy painting the guard house inside and out, and the pharmacy in Alfredo's House also got a new coat of paint. A second coat of stucco was applied to the bathrooms, and soon they will be ready to be painted. A shed roof was built over the outside sink area of the Alfredo’s house so Albita would not get rained on when washing outside. As the workday ended the clouds rolled in and the rains came.
The medical team arrived in time for the evening meal and shared many stories of their adventures. “Mustard Seed,” Steve, lead us in our evening devotions telling several stories of his two days in the mountains of Honduras. The most moving story was of an elderly couple in one of the villages who were both blind. He spoke of their unbelievable hospitality and their faith in God.
We are sending a special prayer for healing for "Papa Joe”, who has been part of Friends of Barnabas for many years.
It is truly amazing the amount that was accomplished each day by these twelve talented individuals. I don’t think there is anything that they would not tackle to make the Barnabas House a better place for patients, staff and volunteers. The entire exterior of the Barnabas House has received a fresh coat of paint this week as well as many of the interior rooms. Electrical issues have also been addressed and repaired. A leaking toilet fixture was replaced today. An entire exterior wall was plastered and painted.
Water pressure has constantly been an issue over the years. There are holding tanks installed, but various problems continue to exist. There was a meeting between the neighboring orphanage's personnel, and the team to consider other water options. It appears that a six inch line may be installed in the near future which would totally eliminate the problem. This will continue to be monitored in hopes that the larger line will come to fruition.
This work is so important to the operation of the Barnabas House. The staff, team, patients and their families are all dependent on this team's many accomplishments that are done in just a week of very hard labor. It is truly a labor of love!
The repair team not only knows how to work hard, but they also have a lot of fun. The team paid a visit this evening to the local orphanage located directly behind the Barnabas House. Young children came running out into the lawn to meet us and hugs abounded! The children of Honduras are so loving and truly appreciate the love and care provided by these volunteers with hearts of gold.