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Love in Action

Erin Caldwell

Reveille UMC Team Journal #2

The wheels on the bus go round and round....

We had a special breakfast with all of the FOB staff this morning. It takes many to make FOB run. It was great to meet everyone.

Tuesday we arrived early to El Porvenir, a community of about 60 families. Pascuala is FOB's nurse community educator, and she began our day in the village with an education talk on dental health. The dental health here in Honduras is very poor. We give fluoride treatments as part of our vitamin and deworming clinic. The children's teeth were clean, but filled with cavities. In Santa Barbara, the teeth were not as bad. We suppose that there must be natural fluoride in the water there.

Dr. Claire works in the dental clinic, as pictured below. This week she's working alongside a Honduran dentist who regularly travels with Friends of Barnabas teams, Dr. Adan.

In El Porvenir, we found a very poor but robust community that dressed up for us, as many communities do when they are visited by a Friends of Barnabas team. The people we met delighted in asking us questions, especially the non-Spanish speakers. I felt so sad not to be able to talk to them. This trip is motivation for me to learn Spanish. A man approached me to say he had lived in Virginia for one year. He spoke very broken English but I understood him to say, "if you know just a little Spanish, it's better not to speak at all." It's food for thought.

The FOB staff members encourage visiting volunteers to try out their Spanish however, and it's a great way to get to know these committed staff who work with us so hard during the week. Marco pulls double duty - he drives the big Friends of Barnabas bus, but he also runs the vision clinic! Below is a picture of him helping a patient.

Thank you for reading our blog, and please continue to pray for good weather and safe travels for our Reveille team throughout this week. Thank you for all you do for Friends of Barnabas.

Jesus said, “What is impossible for mortals is possible for God.”

- Luke 18:27

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.

- Helen Keller

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