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So Many Helpers!


Today we started the day sharing breakfast with the amazing Friends of Barnabas staff in

Honduras who make this trip possible. We all gave our introductions, and then Erica ran around the table to give a proper introduction her mother Doris, our co-team leader.

Erica sang Doris’ well-deserved praises, and with tears in her eyes repeated twice how her mother was her hero. It was moving to see how the love of service can bring people both closer to God but also closer to each other.

While it was our second clinic day, it was the first time El Tontolo had been visited by a FOB medical team. We were all blown away by helpful spirit of the community, from leadership to the kids.

The drive up the mountain was a little nerve racking which ended with us needing to hike down (and eventually back up) a muddy mountain around 1/2 a mile. It was a big hill but the local townspeople were so helpful and even the children helped set up our equipment.

One of the highlights of the day was a man who waited in line for over an hour because he repeatedly gave up his spot in line with the eye clinic until he was the last patient of the morning.

Kindness can be small or large, but it was so touching to see a man so easily putting others first. In those moments, even more than watching fellow volunteers, I see Christ in action.

At the end of our day we sat down to hear a heartfelt thank you from the village leader. He thanked God first and then thanked us for our service. It was a moment of shared gratitude because it is a true blessing for all of us to have this opportunity to serve.

His speech was particularly touching to Fay, our team leader who gave him her cross in a show of love and fellowship in Christ.

By Lexi Salazar

Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.

Luke 6:38 (The Message)

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