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You Knit Me in My Mother's Womb

Erin Caldwell

Community Health Development

Education Team - Midwife Training

Today was a day of sharing from the heart, and confirmation of just how creative our God is. FOB nurse Pascuala began our day with devotions and prayers of healing for several of our sweet midwives. There is nothing more amazing than listening to a crowd of voices raised in prayer together.

Dr. Joe spent the morning talking about how to handle the birth emergencies of hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia (when a baby’s shoulder gets stuck during delivery). He became emotional, as he shared those cases that were the most difficult from his practice. Joe’s passion for his patients, and his wish to improve care for all women everywhere, is truly evident. Other topics of the morning included a short discussion about miscarriages and the importance of ultrasounds.

The hospital where Dr. Joe works, Andalusia Regional Hospital, graciously loaned him a portable ultrasound machine. The rest of the morning was spent giving all the midwives a chance to see the ultrasound in action. Keity, a 17-year-old first time mom, volunteered to be our patient of the day. Groups of 5 midwives were shown how an ultrasound can show everything from the size of a baby’s head, to the gender of the baby. The midwives were most excited about seeing the fetal heart beating, and the chest moving as the baby was breathing. “God is amazing! It is a little, beautiful heart!”

Our time with the midwives ended by presenting them with an OB packs; kits filled with simple tools of the trade to make their jobs easier.

They were all so pleased to have new things to work with. Many hugs were shared as the ladies departed.

“From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” (Psalm 71:6)

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know full well.” (Psalm 139:13-14)

We witnessed, and lived these verses today. Tomorrow will bring these verses to life in an even more powerful way. Stay tuned!

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