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Here We Are, Lord

Don Pierce

Trinity UMC (Richmond, VA) Mountain Medical Team

eJournal - Sunday

We arrived safely on Saturday, and by mid-afternoon, all duffels were received and unpacked. We all settled ourselves into Casa Alfredo. We celebrated birthdays for Greta and Joseph, both new team members.

We visited the Chocolate Farm on Sunday and climbed the Lenca Mound where they made human sacrifices (many years ago, of course!). They made many products from the cocoa pod, including hand lotion, wine, tea, chocolate concentrate, and soap. Most of their cocoa is shipped to Canada. The Honduran government is trying to develop this industry.

Preparing the meds, including counting and packaging the pills for the week, was a good team building exercise for Sunday afternoon. The work was completed in short order and everyone pitched in wherever they were needed.

The team met after dinner and reflected on their experiences of the day. Many expressed how much the staff seems to have grown into a very effective team and we feel well prepared for our mission work in 18 Miraflores.

Don had morning devotions and talked about our week serving in the communities. We ended the devotion by singing the same hymn that was sung at Trinity Church this morning, Here I Am, Lord. Larry led our evening devotions, and he challenged team members to let their light shine like "super moons" reflecting God's love to all our Honduran brothers and sisters this week.

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