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Real Life Happens in Honduras

Susan Crews

Danville, Virginia Mountain Medical Team

eJournal - Wednesday

Each of these journals contains a sidebar with a roster of team members. This roster is incomplete because our team actually consists of many more. We shared breakfast with those whose names are often never mentioned, so I would like to acknowledge their importance now.

This week's translators are: Vanessa, Joel, Walter and Jorge who are new to us, along with Carlos M. and Carlos O. Also with us are our crowd control/ work flow/ tub carriers/pill dispensers and anything-else-we-can-do-for-you people: Nury, Dr. Moncada, Dr. Arita, Alberta, Albita, Cardy, Dalila, Danilo, Jaime, Lidia, Marco, Melvin, Pasquala, Suyapa, and Virginia.

During our meal, we shared with each other about our home lives and work and/or school lives. It's good to get to know these friends who allow us to come here to work alongside them. Sitting around this table with these people is probably the happiest place on earth. Their joy and love is contagious and they speak life into all of us. A lot of our trip is about life being shared around this table. It's an honor to be a part of real life here.

As we settled into our work day, it was deja vu for some of the team today in the community of Cerro Azul since we worked there last year as well. What a treat to return and see some familiar faces. This village has a beautiful, gushing stream running through it which adds a lot of life to the peaceful setting. We were reminded of the frailty and brevity of this life as we were leaving and had to slowly descend behind a funeral procession.

Real life happens in Honduras. Real life happens for those living on the mountains and for those staying at Alfredo's house. Strangers become friends, laughter and tears are shared as we develop a genuine love and concern for our new family. As sure as the stream in today's village gushed and flowed downstream, so our lives continue to move on. Sometimes in this life we float on smooth waters and sometimes there are large boulders in our way. However, it is often the boulders changing the course of life's flow that make it so much more beautiful.

Nancy encouraged us this evening to keep doing what we are doing, one step at a time. What we do, this life that we live, might not seem to make a difference, but the smallest kindness can make all the difference in the world.

Our cross necklaces continue to be given away. Anna gave hers to a woman in a lot of pain during teeth extractions. Anna was holding onto the woman with one hand and helping Dr. Arita with the other. Anna has the sweetest spirit. Denise gave her cross to one of our military guards. Denise wanted the guard to know how much we all appreciate his protection over us while we are here, as well as wanting him to know the protection he receives because of the cross. I gave my cross to the same little girl who received mine last year. I told her I have prayed for her all year and was so happy to see her. It was a joyous reunion to see Nuvia again.

Please continue praying for us. You join our work and life here while you are praying there.

"Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." -C.T. Studd

Susan Crews

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