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Chicken Farm Clinic

Susan Crews

Danville, Virginia Mountain Medical Team

eJournal - Tuesday

Nury wasn't kidding when she told us we would be working on a chicken farm on Tuesday. More specifically, we were in the barn. The owners of the farm are generous supporters of FOBF who supply chicken and eggs all year. It is a large operation that employs many workers. Yes, it smelled like you would imagine but thankfully, the Lord gave us another cool work day and so we hardly noticed.

Even though the path to the barn was a muddy one, the owners made sure that the barn itself had been thoroughly cleaned. So far, we have had our fair share of muddy paths and stomping of shoes in hopes of releasing the accumulated clods. It was a fun work day since all the clinic stations were in the same large room and we could see each other in action.

Several hearts were moved today to give away crosses. Joanna gave hers to a tearful little girl in hopes of giving her comfort. Nancy, who has a friend with a son living in Honduras, gave her cross to the son, Adonai. He has had multiple medical issues and has been helped by the Extended Care Program of FOBF. Adonai came to Alfredo's house tonight for Dr. Judy to examine. Because she doesn't know when she will see him again, and because of all that he has been through, Nancy felt led to give him her cross.

John and Deedee gave their crosses to a mother and son. The 15yo son has suffered meningitis and a stroke recently and has some residual eye problems. John was touched by his sweet spirit. Deedee gave her cross to the mother because of her abundant gratitude for the care given to her and her son. She prayed for John and Deedee and returned later with plants for Deedee. The mother said this was all she had that she could give to show her appreciation.

Our devotion from Eph. 2: 10 was perfectly timed with the events of our day. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." The motto on the big white bus says in Spanish, "The love of Christ in action." Our whole day seemed to be full of examples of what this verse and this motto are saying. Team members are putting the love of Christ into action, one day at a time, one family at a time, and one child at a time.

Good things happen in barns. Today was proof. It's trendy now to host some of life's celebrations in barns. More proof. But the best thing to ever happen in a barn was the birth of our Savior, Jesus, the One whom we are serving with our good works while in Honduras. Because of Him, we leave our loved ones behind for a week, we travel bumpy mountain roads, walk muddy pathways, we give away medical care, love and crosses and yes, we even serve in barns in hopes of showing the love of Christ in action.

Prayers are appreciated as our work continues. We need strength and stamina to make it through each day. We all hope no one will get sick while we are here. We hope to meet the needs of the needy in the best way possible.

Blessings to you all,

Susan Crews

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