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Laurel Hill MMT

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Our devotions tonight were about Moses' mission to Egypt; actually it wasn't Moses' mission, it was God's mission given to Moses. Like Moses, the Laurel Hills team is on God’s mission; however, we are not unique. God has given each of us a call and He has a plan for us to follow. It isn't a plan written down somewhere, but a plan that moves forward a single step at a time.

An author, whose name I can't remember, described God's plan like a man in the dark with a lantern. As the man holds up the lantern, he is bathed in a circle of light and can only with confidence take a step in that circle of light. God does not want us to look beyond the circle, achieving two things. The first is that when we step within the circle we know that we are in God's will and secondly we need to be in constant contact with God to know where our next step will be.

Mountain medical teams are much like that. Few members know where the next community will be and each community presents its own set of unique problems. Today in Aguas de la Reyna it was hot, dusty, and hot. We were presented with new complaints of skin issues which were unique for this trip so far. With each day, the team grows stronger in the love of Christ that binds us together. When I say team, I am not only talking about the Americans, I include the Hondurans whose love for their country and the mission of FOBF is awe-inspiring.

We have spent a lot of time in the previous journals talking about the dedication to mission of the Hondurans. Let me try to put it in perspective. John 11:35 says, "Jesus wept." It is the shortest verse in the Bible. The Honduran staff looks at their country and weeps for those who do not have just as Jesus wept for His friend Lazarus in John 11:35. In Luke 19:41, we read that Jesus wept over Jerusalem. The question has to be asked if we are ready to weep over Honduras and our mission here.

As we look to the mission that God has given us; as with Moses, He is not going to give us the final destination to put in our Garmin. He is going to lead us on his path, one step at a time promising that He will guide and protect us along the way. He will never leave us or forsake us.

As we look forward to our next community, Lo Sorto, Otoro Intibuca, we covet your prayers that we would have the courage to weep over God's mission here and at home.


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