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Travel Day

Erin Caldwell


Have you ever awakened in the morning thinking your day was going to go a certain way and on a certain schedule? Then by the end of the day, you realized that nothing had gone as planned or scheduled? That describes the travel day that the Danville, VA mountain medical team had on Saturday. We left Danville in the wee hours of the morning only to arrive in Greensboro with a flight cancellation, computers not working and being told that we would be going to Atlanta to spend the night in order to fly to Honduras on Sunday.

However, the Lord’s plan unfolded as the morning progressed and we were booked to fly from Greensboro to Charlotte then to Miami and finally to San Pedro Sula. We persevered throughout the day and began to get to know each other under challenging circumstances. I am thankful to report that this challenge seemed to have brought out the best in the team instead of the worst.

Upon arrival in San Pedro Sula at 5:30 pm, we were greeted by Nury’s smiling face. What a sight to see! With Nury were our other team members who are joining us from California and Montana. We have two mother-daughter teams. Janet and Anna left Billings, Montana on Friday and stayed overnight in Houston and then arrived in San Pedro Sula around 11 am. They waited in the airport for Monisha and Meera to arrive from Los Angeles, also by way of Houston. They arrived around 2:30pm and traveled to the Barnabas House to await the rest of the team.

Needless to say, we were all thrilled to finally arrive at the Barnabas house and even more thrilled with the hot meal waiting for us. After being introduced to the newest team members and staff, we made our way to our much needed place of rest for the night.

Some of us are quite familiar with this journey, and some of us are brand new to what lies ahead in the days to come. But whatever happens as the week progresses, I fully expect this week to bring us all together as a community. We have like minds and like hearts to help the people of Honduras. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve Jesus by meeting the needs of the mountain families in Honduras.

As yesterday’s experience proves, we covet your prayers for safety, wisdom, and God’s plan and timing for each day.


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