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Little Hearts - Last Journal

Erin Caldwell

It has been cold, windy and raining all day. Although, not as cold as we hear it is in Virginia, but... cold. The mothers and patients have stayed in their rooms trying to keep warm and out of the damp air.

The week has been full of patients walking around the porch, blowing bubbles into glasses of water, watching movies and getting stronger. We even had a birthday! Genesis turned 7 years old. Every patient has enjoyed pretending to be a doctor. They are even able to tell you what medicines you need to take. ("Yes, you have a problem with your heart. Here is your Furosemide to take.")

These children have healed remarkably well. They will all be heading home next Wednesday… back to wood stoves and dirt floors… back to sharing a bedroom with the whole family… back to water that may not be clean and toilets that don't flush. And all back with new hearts and a new lease on life!

Thank you for all the various ways you support Friends of Barnabas and Little Hearts Project. Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts. They have been felt, and have made the journey easier. Please continue to pray for these children, and the many others that FOB staff sees each day.

You are making the world a little better… one child at a time!

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