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Back at Barnabas House

Erin Caldwell

We woke to the sun today – a welcome sight after a cool and rainy day yesterday. Our two patients at the Barnabas House played together, sang together and had church together. Little Karla is becoming more relaxed with the staff and her surroundings. She had surgery on Monday, but is at the Barnabas House until her lungs have cleared a little more. Moises…well Moises is the entertainer, preacher and now doctor. Moises did not have surgery, due to a problem with his platelets. He will be on two new medications which will make him more susceptible to infections. The staff has spent two days trying to convince him that wearing a doctor’s mask is cool. We were finally successful today.

Moises held church for us before lunch, accompanied by his new friend Karla. They sang, preached and prayed. At one point Moises would say, “Quien vive?” “Who lives?” Little Karla would answer, “’isto!” “Christo!” Christ! Moises would then pray. He even laid his little blue hand on Karla’s shoulder and prayed for her. Talk about bringing tears to your eyes. This from two 4 year olds.

The Barnabas House was full again by the late afternoon. All of our surgery patients returned, to complete their recovery period. It was wonderful to see smiling faces on all of them. The next several days will be ones filled with walking around the porch, blowing bubbles, and allowing God’s healing hand to continue its work. Moises is leaving us in the morning to go home. Pray for him as he has prayed for us. We finished the day with the sun’s rays shining on our beautiful mountain. A reminder that we are all showered with God’s love and grace daily.

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