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Case Conference

Erin Caldwell

Little Hearts Project’s case conference was held last evening at the team’s hotel, led by Little Hearts Project Administrator Lori Cordova. All scheduled surgery cases were presented by their referring cardiologist – either Dr. Fonseca, Dra. Martinez or Dr. Guerrero.

The surgeons Dr. Leonard, Dr. Nikaidoh and Dr. Paz , as well as Dr. Clay, Dr. Mack and Dra. Escamilla, were all in attendance. Dr. Zellers was present via Skype; he even used his iphone to show a video of an echo from earlier in the week!

The nurses from the operating room and the ICU, the respiratory therapists, and the support staff were able to hear more about the children for whom they will be providing care.

Some revisions are being made to the schedule to move patients who may prove to be some of the more difficult cases to earlier in the week.

Primarily, I attended the conference so I could get a few pictures for today’s journal. The level of collaboration and support was impressive. As a non-medical person, I found the discussion fascinating and informative. It is hard to imagine all that goes on in the tiny little chests and little hearts of these precious children. Truly, miracles!! - Beth Y.

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