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A Sunshine Day

Erin Caldwell

It was a long ride this morning to the village of Santa Fe Abajo. The weather was cool and crisp and the ride of two hours was smooth. Then we started up the always exciting mountains roads where the community awaited us.

The dental clinic was very busy today. There were 43 patients with 61 extractions and 1 filling. Roger Hart shared a story of a young mother and her four year old that was having a tooth extracted. The child was very scared so the mother lay down on the chair and held her child on her body while Dr. Arita administered the lidocaine. The extraction was very stressful for the child but her mother’s tender and loving response brought a measure of comfort and assurance. A mother’s love is very special.

One young girl came to the medical clinic with a special patient. Her family had a chicken that had 5 chicks. A hawk attacked the brood and took 4 of the chicks. This little girl wanted to make certain that the last chick was not taken by carrying around the last chick, constantly checking the sky. She would not put the chick down for any reason.

In the eye clinic, a 97 year old gentleman came in looking for help. After the exam, who would have guessed, that this man only needed a pair of “readers.” A broad smile lit up his face, he could now read!

The medical clinic, though not as busy today, saw some very interesting cases. One young girl, age 15, was found to be on renal dialysis twice weekly in town. She has kidney failure and her Mom is having a hard time with transporting her to town twice weekly and the expense of her medication she must take daily. One of the medicines cost $75 a week, an overwhelming expense for the Mom. Her complaints of depression are well understood. The teen was referred to Extended Care program.

A little angel visited us today and her name is Maria Katy. Facing many challenges, Maria Katy is micro cephalic, paralyzed on her right side and has cerebral palsy. Maria Katy is no stranger to Friends of Barnabas as all the staff and many of our team members know her very well. Despite all of her difficulties, she manages to lighten up the room with her dancing, bright smile and singing. A blessing to this community and to us, she is visible evidence that all God’s children are valuable and lovable.

We have felt all your prayers this week. Even though all of you aren’t able to be with us, we can feel your love and support every day. Thank you for helping us with this mission.

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