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Singing in the Rain

Erin Caldwell

Once again today the rain continued; a brief ray of sunshine occurred and then a deluge followed.

Today’s tasks were primarily about packing medicines. We loaded at least one million pills of all descriptions. Our fingers were coated with vitamin, Tylenol and antacid residue. We replenished our eye glasses inventory, packed community bags containing flip flops, diapers, soccer balls, baby slings, and clothing. We worked most of the day to complete preparations for the opening of the clinic tomorrow. Tonight we rewarded ourselves with a wonderful dinner and fellowship at a local restaurant.

We have especially enjoyed getting to know the new staff members here at Casa de Alfredo. Our new bus driver is Marco. He is extremely friendly and committed to our safety and well-being. He was trained by our good friend Elmer who now owns and operates a hardware store. Pedro manages the bodega and preparations for providing necessary medicines for each day. He is very knowledgeable of the needs of the clinic and speaks very good English. Virginia and Alba are our wonderful chefs who provide delicious meals for our team. Nury continues to amaze us with her competence and leadership of Friends of Barnabas here in Honduras. She is wonderfully compassionate and attentive

Currently nine children are staying at the Barnabas House awaiting heart procedures in February. They add a special dimension to our experience.

We have one snafu today…while anticipating a hot shower early in the morning we were dismayed to find no water pressure. We knew we had recently added a new cistern. Nury had complimented Roger Hart on his role in the implementation of this system. Unfortunately one of the valves became stuck and the water in one shower would not turn off. As a result there was no water in the rest of the house. Three hours later after consultation from our team members, who are also gifted engineers and maintenance man Danilo, the problem was remedied and showers were greatly appreciated.

Today we packed the bus with all necessary medicines to be prepared for tomorrow’s travels. We will eat breakfast tomorrow morning at 6:30, share devotions together and head to El Candungo. This is a new community for Friends of Barnabas. This should be a most exciting day for us.

Bill Curry offered devotions tonight that dealt with the theme of fear. Others remembered that he was sometimes fearful of leading devotions. However, his devotion hit the mark and reminded us of the presence of Christ that calms all fear. When we travel on challenging roads and unusual places, being fearful is not surprising. Bill’s reminder assured us that the spirit of Christ goes with us to calm our fears.

Please continue to pray for us as we open the first clinic in a new community. Pray that we may see the face of Christ in those we encounter.

Grace and Peace,

Team 1

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