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Day is Done

Erin Caldwell

Friday, October 24, 2014

The smells of another wonderful breakfast greeted the team as we awoke early this morning. We ate, gathered outside for a group photo and then set out to our last village Quebraditas.

This community was founded in 1975. Forty-six houses are currently occupied in this community with 63 families and 30 of these houses have latrines outside of their homes. Some homes have access to water from the fountain, 1-½ kilometers from the community. Sixty percent of the families have a fireplace inside of their homes. Electricity is available to the community but not all of the homes have it.

They have kindergarten and grade school where a total of 80 students attend. There is no midwife in the community; births typically occur at the hospital. There is a health center where medicine and prenatal care is available. Transportation from the community and back is 40 lempiras.

We had a great day of interaction with the kids! We set up a 'coloring station' and entertained about 30 kids.

Davita gave her cross away to a man who didn't want to wear the cross around his neck. He said that it's what is in our heart that matters most.

We finished up early and headed home. Upon arrival at the Barnabas House, we took an inventory of supplies and prepared for dinner. For dessert, David treated us to his homemade bread pudding. Devotions were given by Dr. Judy, based on Seek Ye First.

After dinner, we prepared our things for departure from Alfredo's House in the morning. The mood was somber as we ready ourselves to leave this beautiful country, these beautiful people.

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