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The Unexpected

Erin Caldwell

Thursday and Early Friday

It has rained most of the day today, which has made the temperatures a little cooler. Our patients have been entertained by making cards, coloring, and blowing bubbles. Blowing bubbles is a great way to do respiratory therapy, getting those lungs to take in lots of oxygen and preventing respiratory problems. We often wear more of the soap than we get blown into bubbles. Our two post-op patients have been quite active. Suany even decided that the markers she was using to color with would make great make-up! Sorry, no photo of that.

This afternoon we welcomed back Genesis Abigail and Mercy. Mercy had her cath procedure yesterday and has done very well. Genesis Abigail will have her surgery in February. It was great to have both the girls back with us. Later in the evening, Hazmer returned. He had his surgery on Tuesday. As boys do, he didn’t want to be a part of all the excitement we had for him. He stopped for a photo op, and walked straight to his room. “Silly adults, just let me lay down.”

We also sent our last two surgery patients to San Pedro Sula for their surgeries tomorrow. Dayani and Loyda have been waiting patiently for two weeks. They are our oldest patients and our sweetest helpers. We prayed for their safety and the success of their surgeries.

And….by the way…at 1:04am on Friday (9/26), we welcomed the FIRST baby to be delivered at the Barnabas House!!!!!!

Mercy’s mother went into labor some time during the evening. Zenaida, our night nurse, sent Jose (our guard) to get Patti out of bed around 12:45am to come help. There was no time to get this mom to the clinic in Pena Blanca, so Patti ended up delivering this beautiful little girl! At the time of writing, we don’t have a name or a weight, but mom and baby are both doing well. You can only imagine the laughter, tears, and pure joy of having a new life with us. Baby took right to nursing. She didn’t even mind when we took her first selfie with us. We will keep you posted as to details when they are available. God is good!!!

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