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Heart Sounds

Erin Caldwell

Friday, September 19

All is quiet at the Barnabas House now, but that is not how the day has been. This morning we sent Daniela, Valeria and Claudia to San Pedro Sula for their cath procedures. We have prayed all day for their safety and success. We have admitted Anwar and Axel, both precious little boys. This afternoon we welcomed back Hazmer and Genesis, who have had cath procedures and will return next week for surgery. Both are doing wonderfully. Hazmer is quite anxious to get back out and play with the other patients.

Today was also a day where we learned that games are very similar in all countries. As Dra. Moncada, Nurse Dalila and Nurse Patti were discussing the new patients, outside the door could be heard, “Caliente, Caliente!” Peeking out the door we observed a circle of children, tossing a ball to each other. Translated… a game of Hot Potato!!

Our other discovery of the day was that we all have different heart sounds. All of our patients have very large, loud heart murmurs. Nurse Patti does not. The patients could recognize, as they listened to each other’s hearts and Nurse Patti’s heart, that the heart sounds were not the same. This led to a discussion of how their hearts will change, and get better, after their surgeries. They were all excited about the changes to come!

In the background now is a congregation nearby singing “How Great is Our God”. At this point, we all cling to those words, knowing He can do all things.

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