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Erin Caldwell

Saturday, August 30

Our devotional today was about the show “America’s Dirtiest Jobs,” where the host interviewed his guest whose job was to paint the underside of bridges to keep them from rusting. The host commented that it was not a glamorous job, to which the man replied “No, but it has to be done.” Team members were reminded that many of the jobs that we did this week were not glamourous, but they needed to be done. This team performed every job, no matter how big or small, with the same dedication and compassion. We continued our time of prayer together as we lifted up those whose names were placed on our prayer tree.

Yesterday Juan, Mario, Carlos and Nilia (our medical students/interpreters) ended their week with us. It was an absolute pleasure to have them as part of our team. After many hugs and kisses, they set off on their journey home. Dr. Roberto, who is new to the Friends of Barnabas, stated that it was a great experience for him to work with us. He and Dr. Arita also returned to their homes. We certainly do miss them and pray that God will shower His mercies on all of them and their families.

Today started early, as we left Casa de Alfredo to begin our journey home. It was our day of relaxation. After a long car ride and an exciting boat ride, we went to Punta Sal. This is a peninsula located at the northern coast of Honduras. We hiked through the rain forest,which was interesting, as we saw a few monkeys very high in the trees. Our guide Ricardo told us about some of the plants and trees that grew there and their uses. Some of us were even brave enough to taste a termite or two in the name of science. A lunch of freshly caught fried fish, plantains, beans and rice was enjoyed with gusto, and after some of the team members did a little swimming and snorkeling we headed back inland. We quickly checked into the hotel, freshened up and went out to supper. Because of a deluge of rain and total exhaustion, all other activities were washed away.

Everyone went to their respective rooms to complete packing and get ready to travel again – HOME!

The Dinwiddie Mountain Medical Team

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