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Erin Caldwell

Friday, June 27, 2014

Today the final day of our journey of healing took us to the community of El Diviso, one of the smaller and poorer communities. The distance traveled was shorter than the others but took a much steeper climb to reach the community. As we traveled up the steep mountain side, I reminisced about our previous days and it brought such joy into my heart. As I realized this was the last day for the team to serve our sisters and brothers in Honduras, spreading the joy and love of our Lord, it made me a little sad. Sadness, they say, is not a bad emotion as it reminds you that you are human. It is good to be sad at times, because then happier times mean so much more. The members of Rockbridge Mountain Medical Team will be sad to leave this beautiful country and these exceptional people but in our hearts we know that the Lord will continue to provide for them with the love and support that they will need in the future.

Another important part of the medical mission team is the eye clinic. How awesome is it to bring sight to those who can’t see, stop headaches that Tylenol can’t relieve, or make blurred vision clear. As I listened to the stories of those team members who worked in the eye clinic, you could hear their joy when they were able to give someone the gift of sight. Elmer, Fay and Bobby were those special individuals who welcomed the nervous and scared into the eye clinic and literally showed them another world. I can’t imagine the emotions those people must have felt when the pair of eye glasses was placed in front of their eyes and they could see their grandchildren clearly for the first time.

These are example of individuals encountering humbling experiences. I can speak from my own experience and journey here in Honduras that I better understand the meaning of humble. It is a simple word that means so much. A humble person is one who doesn’t take anything for granted and doesn’t ask for any more than they truly need. There are times that we all want more than we can have and that is ok, but to be satisfied with the simple things in life; like clean water, food for the family and a roof over your head is humbleness. We are all grateful for the life we live, but are we truly thankful to our God for providing us with the faith, love and guidance that he provides to us every day of our life?

The Rockbridge Mountain Medical Team

Doris Fredricksen Kelsee Grant

Kelly Jo Bailey Jill Kissinger-Hawks

Teri Baker Fay Painter

Bobby Berkstresser Karina Quintans

Sammy Cash Brian Ross

Aileen Cassada Penny Ross

Jennifer Cassell Judy Thomason

Sharon Chandler Erica Vaughan

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