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Erin Caldwell

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Today marked our third day in the mountains of Honduras. We traveled to the community of San Jose de La Cuesta. For some of us this is one of many trips and for others it is the first, an adventure of a lifetime. As I sit and reflect on today’s events there are so many things that I could write about to share our experiences. The one thing that is most touching for me is the welcome that we received from the community. As we pulled into the school yard, there were children of all ages gathered in front of the school, dressed in their uniforms and wearing smiles from ear to ear. As I walked into the school yard an elderly woman reached out and caught my arm. She immediately starting talking to me, and of course, I couldn’t understand what she was saying. I asked Karina, one of the interpreters, to help me understand she was saying. This woman expressed her love and gratitude, called me her sister and thanked God that he had brought us to the community. There was nothing I could say that would express my emotions so I hugged her with tears in my eyes. My tears were filled with love and joy that God guided my path to this community so that I could meet such an amazing woman.

After the team got off the bus, the teacher announced that the children had a presentation for us to thank us for our love and support. The children sang their national anthem, recited pledges and a prayer for the team. One little girl, Jamie, who was only in second grade, recited a prayer which amazed us; you could see such pride in her face. Jamie stood up in front of the team and the community and spoke this beautiful prayer which inspired us all. There wasn’t a dry eye among us; we all were very touched by the pride and respect that each community member showed.

The people in this community are rich in gratitude and pride. What they lack in material things, they make up with faith and love. This is how I want to be, these people are my heroes. As I stood there watching the young school children proudly stand before a bunch of strangers singing and praying, my heart filled with joy and faith. There are times that our faith is and will be tested. No matter what is happening in your life at any given moment we must believe God is right alongside you, guiding you in the right direction. You may not think it is the right direction, however, continue to believe that God is directing our path, no matter what obstacles must be endured to reach the end.

The Rockbridge Mountain Medical Team

Doris Fredricksen Kelsee Grant

Kelly Jo Bailey Jill Kissinger-Hawks

Teri Baker Fay Painter

Bobby Berkstresser Karina Quintans

Sammy Cash Brian Ross

Aileen Cassada Penny Ross

Jennifer Cassell Judy Thomason

Sharon Chandler Erica Vaughan

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