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Continuing the Lord's Work

Erin Caldwell

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

We started our day gathered around an extended breakfast table, which included all the members of our blended family. This family included the members of the Rockbridge team, the dentist and translators and, last but not least, the staff of Friends of Barnabas. Brian gave the devotional and blessed our day. The second day of our journey brought us to community of Planes de Italia where we traveled one and half hours up and down the mountains of Honduras. When we turned into the gates, community members of all ages anxiously awaited our arrival.

On Sunday, each team member was given a cross necklace and we were advised that if we met a special individual who touched our hearts, we could give the cross to them. Throughout the day, many of us were so moved by the people we served that we gave our crosses away.

Sharon was touched when a 4-year-old girl came to her station complaining of pain from what appeared to be an old fracture. After Pedro assisted Sharon with interpreting, they soon found out that this was one of many broken bones in this child’s short life. Then Sharon noticed that this child’s sclera was blue in color, indicating the possibility of a congenital disease. Needless to say, this little girl was referred to FOB’s Extended Care Program for further evaluation and treatment.

Another special story was one that Terri shared with us. During Terri’s time in the medical clinic a young woman with a stoic expression came in. With assistance from Cardy, one of the interpreters, Terri proceeded to ask the young woman how she was and if she needed something. The young woman shared that she had a baby 21 days ago by C-section and she stated that “it felt like her stiches were opening.” Terri examined the woman and noticed that the incision was closed and starting to heal. She consulted with others, thinking there may be an infection causing this discomfort. When Terri returned to the station, she was told by the young woman that she was not sleeping at night and that she had lost her baby 15 days after giving birth. Terri filled up with emotion and as I looked around the table, she wasn’t the only one with tears rolling down her face. This story touched all of us and most especially the mothers in the room.

Even though the mountain medical teams provide medications, vitamins, deworming, dental procedures and vision care, there are some things we can’t heal. This is where our faith takes over and we realize that it is all in God’s hands and he will provide the guidance.

The Rockbridge Mountain Medical Team

Doris Fredricksen Kelsee Grant

Kelly Jo Bailey Jill Kissinger-Hawks

Teri Baker Fay Painter

Bobby Berkstresser Karina Quintans

Sammy Cash Brian Ross

Aileen Cassada Penny Ross

Jennifer Cassell Judy Thomason

Sharon Chandler Erica Vaughan

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