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El Rosario

Erin Caldwell

Greetings Family and Friends on the Home Front,

Another fulfilling day of mission work here in the mountains of Honduras. Our clinic site was El Rosario, a little community tucked away in the mountains. Like yesterday, we had room to spare for our work stations and the people were very orderly and helpful. It was a pleasure to be there.

My fingernail painting concession had just gotten underway when I was called to assist at the General Clinic. The task was to weigh patients, infants to age 12. Those little tykes, four and above, were not much of a problem but some of the younger ones seemed to have a fear of the scale and expressed their feelings with much crying, screaming, and physical resistance by some. That said, the job got done anyway and all the little darlings were weighed and tagged. We worked out a plan where I’d pick them up, one at a time, and step up on the scale. Anything over 200 pounds (my weight at the moment, boots and all) was recorded and marked on the child’s arm with a black felt point pen. Got to hold many babies and calm them down in the process. Truly, this is great work if you can find it.

As day’s end neared, and the General Clinic staff served the last few patients, the rest of the team took a short walk through the community taking in the sights and the local culture. Lots of greetings extended both ways between the residents and the team members. Another successful day was ending.

From Other Members of the Team:

This is not my first visit to a developing nation, but every time I leave home I remember how blessed I really am. I will go home with a reminder to be grateful each and every day for the things I too often take for granted. It has been my honor to serve with the people of Honduras and to be a part of their lives for a short time. -- Dr. Nabihah Mahmood, Resident Pediatrics - MD

Never would I have thought that an experience like this would be so life changing and inspiring. The Honduran people that I have met are humble and grateful people. I am extremely blessed to be part of this mission. I have experienced and learned many things. -- Guadalupe “Lupe” Mares Chairez

Even though the people here have very little, they are still very happy. It’s always great to see their faces light up when they see us. Tuesday, I saw a little girl with TOMS shoes on. In the U.S. we always hear about when people buy a pair of TOMS it helps a kid in need of a pair of shoes. I thought it was cute because she was the outcome of the whole deal; she actually had a pair that was given to her by TOMS. -- Mikal Bowman, pharmacy student

Another day of service begins. Keep your prayers coming. Above, you can see your prayers in action.

Peace, Love and God’s Blessings,

Papa Joe and the Warwick Memorial Mission Team

Carlos Liceaga George Blair

Kerry Boggs Mikal Bowman

Lupe Chairez Papa Joe Covolo

Kelly Delaney Theresa Duke

Karla Gerner Mike Henning

Charles Hunt Nabihah Mahmood

Martha Rhodes Carolyn Sweetland

Ted Sweetland Virginia Taylor

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