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The Day Begins

Erin Caldwell

The team had guests for breakfast this morning; the dozen or so folks on staff with Friends of Barnabas here in Honduras. These are the folks working here throughout the year and who really go the extra mile when teams are in country. Our team successes are possible because of the support by these dedicated brothers and sisters here in Paradise South. This gathering was an opportunity for us “old timers” to renew old friendships, and for the “newbies” (first timers) to meet the people at this end.

What a great way to start a day, and as always, a delicious meal, fellowship, and cheerful atmosphere. Doesn’t get any better than this!

Today’s clinic was at Mojarros, a community of about 500 people and a 90-minute drive from Barnabas House. I could give actual mileage but it’s the travel time that gives you clearer picture of our trips; some on paved roads and some on “unpaved roads.” I think you get the picture so I’ll leave it at that.

Mojarros was larger than yesterday’s clinic with plenty of room in which to set up and operate our work stations – a nice big open building.

The people were ready and waiting when we arrived and the local labor force moved the meds and supplies from the bus to the work area in record time. Mojarros was a very clean community. The children were very well behaved and a joy to have around. Lots of community pride!

Please note the last item in the day’s totals! This item - fingernail painting - has nothing to do with the medical care of the people we serve. It’s a sideline activity for the young ladies (little girls and sometimes even their mothers, and a few grandmothers as well).

It started a few years back when one of the nurses brought nail polish with her and “glamorized” some of the little darlings when she could. Mention was made in the journals and it has become a part of the unofficial program when it can be fit in. I think of this as a sort of contribution to the mental health and morale of our young ladies. It puts smiles on faces every time; for me that what it’s all about.

The weather has been comfortable; mild, some clouds, and nice breezes. Did hear some thunder boomers off in the distance during the mid-afternoon but they seemed to have gone somewhere else as the trip home was nice and dry. Thanks be to God.

In the first Journal, I forgot to mention Dr. Adam Arita, a Honduran dentist who has a practice in the city but works with FOB year round, and especially when mountain medical teams are in country. He is a valuable asset to our program here and we appreciate all his work with the people here in the mountains. Thank you, Dr. Arita!

Keep us, and the people we are serving, in your prayers and know that you are with us in spirit.

Peace, Love and God’s Blessings,

Papa Joe and the Warwick Memorial Mission Team

Carlos Liceaga George Blair

Kerry Boggs Mikal Bowman

Lupe Chairez Papa Joe Covolo

Kelly Delaney Theresa Duke

Karla Gerner Mike Henning

Charles Hunt Nabihah Mahmood

Martha Rhodes Carolyn Sweetland

Ted Sweetland Virginia Taylor

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