We had the luxury, as desired, to sleep in this morning (and by that I mean until 6:30). The team enjoyed a morning breakfast of eggs, cereal, pancakes, along with home-made yogurt, strawberry and mango jams and pineapple juice.
A trip to the Pulhapanzak Park for some R/R and devotion began our day. Later, the team loaded the bus with crates, ate lunch, and then counted and sorted the vitamins and medicines for the week’s clinics.
There was some time to relax afterward, and the team ended the day with dinner at D & D’s Restaurant. For those of you unaware, this is a great little place owned and operated by a Virginia expatriate living in Honduras. DeeDee shared the night’s devotions, based on FOB founder Rev. Linwood Cook’s St. Patrick’s Day sermon. Cards and notes from family and friends at home were shared with the team members.
Tomorrow the team will travel to La Masica to serve those in need. I look forward to sharing what God is doing in this village later tomorrow.
R Scott Williams
for the Danville 2014 Team
Ronnie Dillon
Judy Szulecki Bunin
John and Susan Crews
Karen Haley
Judy Hartman
David Helton
Deedee Jamison
Amy Keesee
Don Merricks
Larry and Emily Ratliff
Paul Settle
Lorie Touart
Robin Williams