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Fitted for the Plan

Erin Caldwell

We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

A door was purchased for the clinic basement storage area to replace one that had rotted because of the extremely wet weather conditions here in Honduras. Ronnie aka "Gopher" was overjoyed to have found one that would fit such a large opening; the door is huge, weighing about 100 lbs. with beautiful raised panels. Upon closer inspection, John and Frank found that the door was over an inch out of square; even the beautiful raised panels had been adjusted to fit the out-of-shape door. With much patience, sawing, sanding and reshaping, the two "Master Carpenters" were able to fit the door into the opening.

Isn't that the way God works? He takes our out-of-shape, dysfunctional lives and reshapes them to better serve Him. We often put up strong resistance to God's plan for us, especially if it goes against what our plans are. However, if we leave it in the hands of "the Master," He can shape us to fit into his greater plan.

Our work day at the Barnabas House began in the usual manner with "Gopher" making several trips to town... for this and for that. Work completed included the pump house, sealing the swing set, grouting the tile, and installing the hood over the stove.

On the mountain the floors were poured, finished and stained, an entrance stoop was installed, water lines were hooked up, all bathroom fixtures were installed and the younger guys played soccer with village children. It was a very productive day.

Both job sites are trying to tie up loose ends; however we all see the light at the end of the tunnel!

God has given me the wonderful privilege of telling everyone about the plan of His; and has given me His power and special abilities to do it well. Ephesians 3:7 (TLB)

The Repair Team

Shaun Abernathy

Ann and John Amos

Clinton Dalton

Ronnie Dillon

Bill Hogan

Ben Kendig

Kyle Kirby

Chris Lewis

Terry Lewis

Frank and Lil Martin

Ernest Sandridge

Stuart Yeaman


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