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Formerly Community Health Development Program

Thirty remote mountain communities in central Honduras are chosen to participate in our Healthy Communities Program.  They each must meet criteria such as how far they are from a healthcare facility, lack of safe water or sanitary systems, whether they are being served by other aid organizations, and safe access.  All communities must demonstrate a commitment to participating in health education and agree to a formal partnership.

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Communities receive general healthcare from medical teams twice a year, including general checkups, vision and dental care, vitamin distribution, fluoride, anti-parasite treatments, and referrals to other FOB services.


Health related education is a priority for Friends of Barnabas.  Each month, 10 of our 30 partner communities received Advanced Learning lessons on topics covering maternal/child health issues, environmental health and basic hygiene, early childhood development, and self care measures.  The curriculum spans a two year period.


When appropriate, FOB also sends groups of educators and exploratory teams to enhance programming.

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